Frederickson Hypothyroidism


As integrated healthcare specialists serving Frederickson, our goal for patients with thyroid problems is to help them achieve a healthy life by finding out why they are experiencing hypothyroidism symptoms, and focusing on developing a hypothyroid treatment protocol.

We are keenly aware of the many factors contributing to thyroid problems as a result of an under active thyroid gland that doesn’t properly produce or release thyroid hormones.

In developing a treatment plan a natural hypothyroid treatment protocol may be established after learning the results of analyses that include the following:

  • A thyroid blood test
  • Evaluation of hormone levels, adrenal glands, digestive system and other areas
  • Analysis of endocrine conditions for underlying cause

If you have hypothyroidism symptoms call for a consultation to learn more about a natural treatment protocol that may be effective in supporting your thyroid function.

Frederickson Hypothyroidism Symptoms


Our approach to thyroid problems is treating through naturopathic methods that provide our patients in the Frederickson area with a unique opportunity to achieve a high quality of life where other treatment methods may have failed.

It is common for people to suffer for long periods of time, as much as years, with hypothyroidism symptoms that are not treated by our conventional medical system.  In fact, at early onset of thyroid problems certain symptoms may be attributable to other factors such as older age.

These symptoms may become more obvious as metabolism continues to slow.  The following is a list of potential causes or common thyroid symptoms:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Elevated blood cholesterol levels
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Pain, swelling or stiffness in joints
  • Memory impairment
  • Depression
  • Slowed heart rate

Through the course of our naturopathic treatment plan we focus significantly on elimination of the effects and causes of thyroid dysfunction, such as stress, nutrients deficiency, inflammation and medication overuse.

Call to schedule a complete metabolic workup to look for potential contributors affecting your thyroid function.

Frederickson Thyroid Problems


As alternative practitioners serving Frederickson residents we focus on resolution of underlying causes of thyroid problems rather than just treating the hypothyroidism symptoms with prescription medications.

In developing a proactive natural hypothyroid treatment protocol for health restoration early intervention is vital to success.

These are a few of the reasons why residents of Frederickson choose us for naturopathic treatments  as an effective means of reversing sub optimal thyroid function that may lead to permanent thyroid disease:

  • Our multi-tiered hypothyroid approach to treatment of the whole person
  • Developing a plan to support balance through nutrition and lifestyle modifications
  • Use of diet regulations, herbal medications and non-toxic nutritional supplements
  • Focusing on your body’s ability to heal itself and restore balance

Call Puget Sound Natural Medicine for a positive alternative approach to the onset of hypothyroidism symptoms.  (253) 579-3958