South Hill Holistic Medicine


More and more people, including patients in the South Hill and surrounding area, are turning to holistic medicine and naturopathic medicine for chronic health conditions that are not responsive to conventional medical treatments.

Even though holistic medicine acknowledges all methods of treatment, including conventional prescription drugs and surgery, more patients are now working with a naturopathic doctor who uses alternative therapies such as holistic medicine and naturopathic medicine to focus on identification of the underlying cause.

We are an integrative health care clinic with a chiropractor who is also a naturopathic doctor and primary care physician serving the South Hill area and beyond.

Our naturopathic doctor recognizes the value of traditional treatment, but also provides the opportunity of combining holistic medicine, naturopathic medicine and treatment options that may include, but are not limited to:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal remedies
  • Change in diet
  • Osteopathy

If you have additional questions about the benefits of holistic medicine, naturopathic medicine, or the services of our naturopathic doctor serving the South Hill and surrounding area, we would be pleased to hear from you.  (253) 579-3958.

South Hill Naturopathic Doctor


You may be searching for non-conventional treatment systems in the South Hill and surrounding area that utilize non-toxic therapies such as holistic medicine and naturopathic medicine focusing on natural healing methods and maintaining wellness of the whole person.

While our naturopathic doctor is also a chiropractor and primary care physician, additional training as a naturopathic doctor provides an opportunity to treat the whole person, including body, emotions, mind and spirit to achieve optimal wellness.

Additional training of a naturopathic doctor beyond that of a standard medical curriculum includes:

  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathic medicine
  • Botanical medicine
  • Clinical nutrition
  • Psychological counseling

The role of the naturopathic doctor is evaluation of the patient’s physical structure and physiology to identify and remove barriers that prevent health and wellness by facilitating the body in creating an internal and external healing environment.

A treatment in the form of holistic medicine, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic or a blend of disciplines and modalities may be used in treating patients in the South Hill area and beyond.

South Hill Naturopathic Medicine


Naturopathic medicine embraces the belief that the body can heal itself using holistic medicine, natural therapies such as nutritional and lifestyle counseling and a healthy balanced lifestyle.

Chiropractic healthcare has become a well-accepted and effective treatment system for pain syndromes among the communities we serve, including South Hill and the surrounding area.

Since no two patients is alike, our naturopathic doctor customizes a health management strategy for each patient including naturopathic medicine, holistic medicine, chiropractic care and conventional medical treatments for finding the root cause rather than treating symptoms.

Call us for information about holistic medicine, naturopathic medicine, and chiropractic care for residents of the South Hill area and beyond. (253) 579-3958